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Australia: 1 800 422 966
AU Landline: 07 355 92779
AU Fax: 1 800 422 901
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New Zealand: 0800 562 867
or +64 3 339 0335
NZ Fax: 03 339 0598
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1/48 Lismore St, Christchurch 8011
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NZ: 0800 562 867
AU: 1800 422 966
Making It Easy
Just think of us as a tour guide, you get the best jobs without searching job databases for hours. Your paperwork is stress tested to avoid errors and loopholes and retained for future authorised use.
You don’t have to wait in line for the job you want and you get to speak to another amazing human about it rather than forever tapping at your keyboard or phone.
With the ever-increasing paperwork requirements, let alone contract negotiation, trust us you don’t want to spend your time doing that when we can do it for you for free.