Job Description

A small rural township in the north west of NSW has many sites of significant cultural importance and a high aboriginal population. Whilst simple and remote, it is typical of a rural Australian community and services, with a vast agricultural region as well as a number of smaller villages in the region.
A 16-bed hospital with a permanent team and good nursing support.

• VMO Claims are to be completed and submitted online via VMoney Web per NSW Ministry of Health requirements.

• Return airfares from any Australian city, cap of $450 return applicable.
• Accommodation provided for period of stay with the locum required to arrive the evening prior and depart either late the last contracted date evening upon completion of the session or the next morning. We are unable to accommodate pets.
• Fleet Car or Hire Car ($50 per day car hire cap, all inclusive) should fleet vehicle not be available
• Locum VMO’s may prefer to drive and are able to claim reimbursement for kilometres via their VMO Claim.
• VMO Claims are completed online via V-Money Web, assistance and support provided Roster, consultant/registrar/junior support any additional inclusions and details for this Anaesthetics – General Consultant/Spec/Vmo 25050 job will be advised on application

Learn more about this Anaesthetics – General Consultant/Spec/Vmo 25050 job by clicking the apply button below.

Start Date 25/10/2024

Finish Date 25/10/2024

Remuneration AUD2500

Level Consultant/Spec/Vmo

Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 2 MB.